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What will treatments cost?

That depends on two things:

a. What exact therapies you need and how long it will take to correct your condition.

b. What if any insurance coverage you have?

Our office policy is to do a “Report of Findings” on the second visit. This gives us a chance to review both X-Rays (if taken) and your insurance plan so we can give you an accurate answer to how much it will cost for treatments before we go any further.

Our fees are very reasonable, and the vast majority of people can afford a treatment plan with us.

How soon can I schedule an appointment?

We almost always are able to schedule people within 1-2 days, and we’ll always take same-day emergency appointments.

Do you take Insurance?

We are both Medicare and Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO provider. Having said that many insurance plans offer out-of-network coverage/benefits. About 70% of our patients are not with either Medicare or Blue Cross Blue Shield and the cost of care is still affordable.


How long do treatments last?

For most people an office visit will be 45 to 60 minutes depending on what therapies we’re doing. We don’t overbook and hate to have people waiting. Which is why they almost never wait more than 5 minutes or so. As far as how long treatment plan is:

1. For Spine/Chiropractic condition the average length is 6 weeks. Sometimes a little shorter or a little longer.

2. For a Metabolic condition we’re usually working together 2 to 3 months.

Functional Medicine

How Does Lab Testing Work?

For blood tests you’ll get a requisition/order form in the office to take with you to either a Labcorp or Quest draw facility. For other specialized testing (salivary hormone, stool microbial, etc.), you’ll get a collection kit (with instructions) in the office and collect/mail the sample from home.

How does functional medicine differ from conventional medicine?

The lab testing is almost more in-depth/thorough, and the “treatment” is with specific dietary protocols/nutritional counseling (if food can be “poison”, then it can also be “medicine”), along with very specific natural supplemental compounds.

What happens on 1st visit

If you have already filled-out the paperwork, then you will go directly in for a consultation with Dr. Beyer where he will discuss your health history and goals. If you have a spinal or joint condition, an exam will be done and x-rays taken. If it is a metabolic/nutritional condition an order for the right lab work will be given. If your getting a consultation for sexual wellness issue, the different treatment options will be throughly explained.

Regenerative Medicine

What is Regenerative Medicine?

The use of either natural “Allograft” products or PRP (platelet rich plasma) to stimulate healing, rebuilding, regeneration of degenerated cartilage in the major joints (Knees, hips, shoulders) of the body.

What Are Stem Cells?

Undifferentiated cells with the capacity to become or replace the degenerated cells.

Are All Stem Cells The Same?

No, Mesenchymal stem cells are generally considered to be the best for regenerative medicine.

What Diseases Can Regenerative Medicine Treat?

Degenerative osteoarthritis is what it’s mostly used for, but athletic and overuse injuries can also be treated with regenerative medicine.

What Are Some Elements Of Regenerative Medicine?

The injection of human “allograft” products, or PRP (platelet rich plasma).

How Does Regenerative Medicine Work?

The platelets in PRP release “growth factors” that stimulate tissue healing. The Allograft products contain growth factors, scaffolding proteins, and in the case of a “Whartons jelly” allograft, Stem cells which replace the worn out cells in the joint.

Why Choose Regenerative Medicine Instead Of Surgery?

Because it is not only safer, but most often far more effective. And, there is NO recovery time with regenerative medicine.

If I Have Severe Arthritis, Can I Still Benefit From Regenerative Therapies?

Absolutely, the typical patient we see for a regenerative medicine procedure has moderate to severe arthritis.

Steroid Injections Versus Regenerative Therapy?

No comparison! While steroid injections can sometimes give some short-term reduction of pain, they actually SPEED UP the degenerative process in the cartilage. And if you happen to be diabetic, steroid shots will shoot your blood sugar thru the roof!

If I Already Have Surgery, Can I Still Benefit From Regenerative Therapy?

If the joint has been completely replaced, no. In the case of other surgeries (arthroscopic, or partial knee replacements), yes!

PRP Therapy

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

A type of regenerative medicine treatment in which a concentrated source the patients platelets is used to stimulate healing.

How is PRP Therapy Performed?

A blood sample is collected from the patient and the platelets are separated from the red and white blood cells by using a machine called a centrifuge. Then the concentrated source of platelets is injected back into the joint (or tendon, or ligament) that needs to be healed. It is a way of harnessing and magnifying our bodies own healing capabilities.

What Musculoskeletal Conditions Can be Treated With PRP?

Any joint, tendon, or ligament problem, as well as “Plantar Fasciitis”, which is an inflammatory condition of the tough connective tissue in the heel and arch of the foot.

How Do I Know If I Am A Candidate For PRP?

Through an exam by a doctor experienced in both soft-tissue (muscle, tendon, ligament) and joint conditions, as well as PRP itself.

Is PRP Painful?

About 50% of patients experience a moderate amount of discomfort for 24 hours.

How Many Injections Will I Need?

Many patients only need one, a few require 1-2 follow-ups.

How Long Does PRP Take To Perform?

It’s an outpatient procedure that takes about 1 hour.

What Can I Do After Having PRP? Activity Levels?

It’s best to rest for 48-72 hours, then activity cas resume to normal.

Sexual Wellness

What Is An O-Shot?

It is a female sexual rejuvenation and enhancement solution that utilizes platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy. Platelets are naturally occurring blood components that usually aid in wound healing and blood clotting. By using a patients own platelets we can treat conditions such a vaginal dryness, decreased sensitivity or ability to achieve orgasm, as well as urinary incontinence.

What Happens During An O-Shot Treatment?

Our Nurse Practitioner will draw blood from you and place it in a centrifuge, which will spin rapidly to separate plasma from the red blood cells. Once we have a concentration of platelet-rich plasma, she will inject it into areas around the clitoris. The whole process can be completed in a half-hour. The PRP features an abundance of bioactive proteins, which trigger the release of growth factors that stimulate the formation of new blood vessels and activate stem cells. These cells expedite tissue repair and boost cellular regeneration. This enhanced tissue and the increased vascularization can help produce stronger and easier orgasms, as well as increased lubrication during sexual activity. The O-shot has also been very helpful in treating urinary incontinence.

Does The O-Shot Hurt?

No. Before administering the O-shot, the Nurse Practitioner will anesthetize you. During the injection, you may feel some unusual pressure, but it is typically not painful. Furthermore, you will not experience any discomfort following the treatment, either. There is no downtime, and you are free to engage in sexual activity immediately following the procedure.

What Results Can I Expect Following The O-Shot?

Increased ability to achieve orgasms/increased sensitivity, increased arousal and lubrication during sexual activity, increased desire, tighter vaginal skin, decreased urinary incontinence.

Can I Repeat O-Shot Treatment?

Yes, many women make it an annual part of their sexual wellness plan.

What is a P-shot?

A P-shot is a male sexual rejuvenation and enhancement solution that utilizes platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. Platelets are naturally occurring blood components that usually aid in wound healing and blood clotting. By using a patient’s cells and tissues, we can treat conditions including erectile dysfunction, lichen sclerosis, Peyronie’s disease, and more. P-shots have also been shown to provide general sexual function improvements.

Who Is A Good Candidate For A P-Shot?

Any male who is struggling with sexual dysfunction issues can benefit from P-shots. Many of our patients are already using some form of sexual enhancement therapy but choose to receive a P-shot from us to increase their chances of success.


What is Medical Microneedling?

For skin micro-needling, we use an electric skin needling device made especially for this purpose. The device is pen-shaped studded with 12 very fine needles. It is a medical device used in micro needling to break down old scar tissue and to stimulate skin cells to proliferate. This cell multiplication results in the formation of new tissue layers of elastin and collagen fibers as well as in new capillaries for an improved blood supply.

What conditions can be treated or improved with Medical Microneedling?

  • Mild to moderate acne scarring
  • any new or old scars
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Loose, lax skin
  • Skin texture and pore size
  • Stretch marks
  • How Does It Work?

    The device slides along the skin, penetrating the upper layers of the skin to a depth of up to 2mm to create numerous tiny needle wounds. The procedure prompts the body to respond through the creation of new collagen and elastin fibers. In response to the stimulus, the skin plumps and thickens, reducing the appearance of scars, and fine lines and wrinkles.

    What Does The Procedure Involve?

    The skin is cleaned and numbing cream may be applied to lessen discomfort. For better results, we use a collagen-stimulating product like Platelet Rich Plasma, Vitamin-C serum or skin lightener for pigmentation during the procedure. A small handheld pen-like device with a sterile, disposable tip with 36 tiny needles is then used to pierce the skin. Our needling pen's multi-speed and adjustable needle depth allows needles to pierce the skin's layer at 90 degrees and increase the absorption of products. After the treatment, another layer of custom serum is applied and the Light Stim treatment is available to enhance your results.

    What will I look like after the treatment?

    Most people will experience redness and mild swelling in a similar way as mild sunburn for 24-48 hours and there may be minimal pin-point bleeding and/or bruising. Within a week or two, you will notice that your skin is smoother and more radiant looking but the full effects won't be seen until a few months later.

    What are the benefits of Medical Microneedling?

  • Dramatically increases the effectiveness and penetration of active ingredients in topical preparation
  • Stimulates circulation and collagen production
  • Medical grade titanium needles make it non-allergenic to human tissue
  • Cost-effective compared to other resurfacing procedures
  • Can be performed on all skin types, including ethnic skin
  • It can be used on all areas of the scalp, face, body including fragile skin like around eyes, mouth, and neck
  • How many treatments do I need and how often can Microneedling procedures be repeated?

    Micro-needling can be safely repeated every 4-6 weeks until you achieve the desired results. For collagen induction, we recommend starting with 3 treatments, but with a minimum separation time of 4 to 6 weeks between treatments. For scar reduction, an average of 3 to 6 treatments is recommended. The number of treatments required will depend on how each individual responds to the treatments, and the extent of the damage at the beginning Micro-needling can be used on all skin parts of the body (neck, décolleté, arms, legs, etc). Most people will begin to see results after the very first appointment.

    What should I avoid on my skin after the treatment?

    To ensure the right healing environment for 2-3 days do not use AHA's (glycolic Acid), retinol, acidic, or "active" ingredients. Exposure to the sun should also be avoided or zinc-based sunblock should be used.

    What should I avoid on my skin after the treatment?

  • Medical micro-needling can be safely performed on all skin types and all skin colors. As the epidermis and in particular, melanocytes in the basal area are left intact. There is minimal risk of pigment change or post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation. Skin micro-needling can treat sensitive and fragile areas that are difficult to treat with other procedures. These areas include the eyes, the neck, and the back of the hands.
  • However, it is NOT suitable for patients who:

  • Have used Accutane (isotretinoin) within the last three months
  • Have open wounds, cuts, or abrasions on the skin
  • Have had radiation treatment to the skin within the last year
  • Have any kind of current skin infection, condition, herpes simplex in the area to be treated
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have any history of keloid or hypertrophic scars or poor wound healing
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